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Filming in Morocco

Finding a fixer
in Morocco

Getting the go-ahead to film in Morocco can be complex if you’re not sure of the steps to take. Visas and film permits require collaboration between you and a local film production company and will involve essential documents you may not be aware of. As your fixer in Morocco, we’ll be that on-the-ground support company for you, guiding you through the application process so there’s no chance you’ll slip up on obtaining these permits or on any other aspect of filming in Morocco.

Visa for Morocco

Before filming in Morocco, you must obtain the correct, legal visa. Most filmmakers will need a business visa, which requires an invitation from a Moroccan host or company. As your production partner in Morocco, we can assist with this process, ensuring all necessary documents are in order. Applications typically include a completed form, passport-sized photos, and proof of travel arrangements. Processing times can vary, so it’s advisable to apply well in advance to avoid delays and ensure a smooth start to filming.

Film Permits Morocco

All film or media videos shot in Morocco require film permits. The main regulatory authority is the Moroccan Film Centre (MFC) though there are several regions of Morocco that require additional permits and authorizations. Additionally, requests for permits must be filed a least 21-28 days before the date needed. Your fixer in Morocco will navigate all this for you, liaising with the MFC and the applicable local authorities to obtain the necessary approvals as your local producer in the country.

Special equipment
renting info

As a leading fixer in Morocco, we’ve helped many foreign filmmakers and production companies find the essential filming equipment they need when shooting here. Our close relationships with leading film rental companies and the fact that we regularly bring them great business, means that they’re always ready to help us source special equipment and at competitive prices. Once the equipment you need is secured, we’ll also organize transporting it safely to the film locations, setting it up and supervising it.

Cultural facts

Filming in Morocco is a great experience, with wonderful locations and very friendly people. However, as the country is predominantly Muslim, it’s important to be aware of and respect the local customs. Dress modestly, especially in rural areas. Public displays of affection are discouraged, and even if you have film permits, always ask permission before filming people, especially women. Also be mindful of the Islamic prayer times. These happen five times a day and you’ll hear the muezzin’s melodious “call to prayer,” at your nearest mosque.

Weather when filming in Morocco

Weather conditions can significantly impact filming in Morocco. You may be surprised to find that Moroccan coastal areas are mild and even breezy at times, especially along the Atlantic coast with their famed surfing spots. However, the interior desert area is, as expected, extremely hot, while the Atlas Mountains can be incredibly cold. If filming in Morocco during summer, expect temperatures to reach up to 40°C (104°F) in some regions, while in winter, dress for chilly weather, especially at higher altitudes.

Tax rebate in Morocco

The Moroccan government offers an enticing 30% rebate for foreign films, documentaries, TV series and movies, docu-series and more shot in the country. However, in order to qualify, the productions must spend at least 10 million dirhams (approx. $1 million US) and shooting has to be longer than 18 days. Additionally, producers must show proof of expenses from crew and talent pay slips, hotel bills, travel costs, equipment rental invoices, etc. As your fixer in Morocco, we’ll help you with the application.

Filming in Morocco

Filming in Morocco is a real possibility and films such as Gladiator, Lawerence of Arabia, and Kingdom of Heaven prove it, having all shot vital scenes here. However, you will need a local fixer in Morocco as your partner in production and your guide to obtaining the necessary visas and film permits to make filming here a reality.

By choosing us we’ll ensure that all of this happens easily and quickly, and that you have all the authenticated paperwork necessary for the application. Depending on the size and spend of your production, we can also help you apply for tax rebates you may be eligible for.

So, email us today. We’re happy to answer more questions you may have about starting your film process in Morocco.

filming in morocco
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